
Artificial Intelligence for Better Business Results

Open Source 101 - How JavaScript became an Enteprise Development Lanaguage

Keynote – Open Source 101

How JavaScript Became a Legitimate Open Source Enterprise Application Platform JavaScript has been a primary language of the browser for many years but at the same time become a first-class enterprise application platform as well. Driven by a need for applications that can scale to handle extreme workloads that are exchanging data and a vibrant…

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Keynote All Things Open - Open Source: The Punk Rock of the 21st Century

Keynote All Things Open – Open Source: The Punk Rock of the 21st Century

It’s easy to draw a comparison between open source software. Many bands self-produced recordings (like software developers) and distributed them through informal channels (like open source projects)….technical accessibility and a DIY spirit are prized in punk rock(as we see in open source)…….Punk rock is meant to be our freedom(as in free software). We’re meant to…

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