Keynote All Things Open – Open Source: The Punk Rock of the 21st Century

November 16, 2016
Keynote All Things Open - Open Source: The Punk Rock of the 21st Century


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It’s easy to draw a comparison between open source software. Many bands self-produced recordings (like software developers) and distributed them through informal channels (like open source projects)….technical accessibility and a DIY spirit are prized in punk rock(as we see in open source)…….Punk rock is meant to be our freedom(as in free software). We’re meant to be able to do what we want to do…. The issue of authenticity is important in the punk subculture—the pejorative term “poseur” is applied to those who associate with punk and adopt its stylistic attributes but are deemed not to share or understand the underlying values and philosophy…. At the end of the 20th century, punk rock had been adopted by the mainstream, as pop punk and punk rock bands such as Green Day, the Offspring and Blink-182 brought the genre to widespread popularity. Open source is enjoying that same popularity in the 21st century.

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